
Desert Adventure!

Inspired by the nearby Superstition Mountains. Here's a sketch for the fun of it - that led to a story - that led to more sketches.


Hello Ladies!

Strange but true: When a male hippo wants to spread the word that he is available he does it by spreading something else - his poop! To make sure all the females around knows he wants a girlfriend, he spins his tail in a circle while pooping. Romance is not dead! This illustration was done for the nice folks at Ranger Rick Magazine. 


Get A Grip! We're On A Trip!

Our new graphic novel came out last week! A.J. and the gang are on a field trip to their favorite amusement park. What could go wrong? Will the book be funny, pointless, and goofy? Yes. Will the story involve surly theme park characters, corndogs, and adventure-themed danger? Yes. Do I like answering my own questions? Again, yes.