They're There On Their Vacation
Here's a page from They're There On Their Vacation. This book was a blast to illustrate! Written well and super funny, it's at your local bookstores now.
Here's a page from They're There On Their Vacation. This book was a blast to illustrate! Written well and super funny, it's at your local bookstores now.
Shakespeare said it best when he wrote, "To kick a ball while running hither and thither through the streets - that is love and madness and is better than having your tummy scratched while eating lunchmeat". I don't know what that means either.
Here's a sneak peek at an illustration for a book that will be coming out in 2016, My Weird School - Fast Facts Sports. A pretty fun book about strange, funny and interesting facts in the world of sports. Written by funny guy, Dan Gutman.
PS: I made up that Shakespeare quote. You can tell because everyone knows he hates lunchmeat.
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