
Wuzz Its

Here's a project that I completely enjoyed. WuzzIts is a monster themed card game created by Blue Orange Games. My job was to create thirty characters that would be printed on their game cards. The characters were a nice mix of goofy, scary, gross, slimy, bizarre and weird. I submitted many sketches and we picked the ones that worked best for their game. Stephanie Elliott (AD) was on the ball and kept the WuzzIts machine chugging along. These are the fun jobs that make me glad I do this for a living.


Mrs. Lane Is A Pain!

 This funny little book hit the bookstores this week. It was a gas to work on. Dan writes 'em and I draw 'em.

It's time for the annual Ella Mentry Talent Show!  And this year they're bringing in a professional talent coach (that would be Mrs. Lane) to do it right.  What surprise guest might show up? Will Andrea sing selections from "Annie" for the hundred millionth time?  Do armpit farts qualify as a talent?  Who will win the grand prize (pork sausages)?

These are the hard hitting questions that are answered in the last book in the My Weirder School series. Next up:  My Weirdest School #1- Mr. Cooper Is Super!


My Weird School Halloween

Because it's mid August, it's hard to imagine a month of pumpkins, ghosts and goblins. But it's easy to imagine candy. Candy, the one thing that makes us all brothers so we can join hands for the common good - which is to eat more candy. Last week, HarperCollins released a 3 book set of Halloween themed My Weird School books. My favorite of the trio is the holiday special - It's Halloween, I'm Turning Green!