

It's a Nutty World Out There

From the funny website of A Boy And His Dog

NUT OF THE YEAR 2010 -Holiday Greetings to all. It's time for our first annual golden nut given out to the biggest hot mess of the year. Come to the nut hut and cast your vote! Polls are open until Dec. 31st. Vote early/vote often. 




Let's get drawing!

Calling all kids! (and people that feel kid-like!)

Bring your crazy imaginations and come draw with me. I'll be at Barnes and Noble this Saturday, December 4th from 2:00-2:45. Bring paper and something to draw with and we'll come up with some wild stories together, create the characters together and then draw them together. I plan on having a rock 'em, sock 'em, fun time. I hope you can join me!

Crossroads Town Center
3807 South Gilbert Road (just south of the 202)
Gilbert, AZ 85296