
Donut Delivery!

Sometimes you have to draw just for the fun of it.


Miss Porter Is Out Of Order!

So this funny little book is now at your local bookstore. A.J. and the gang are getting a substitute, but Miss Porter isn't a normal teacher. She's a computer. A personal digital assistant, to be precise. Miss Porter knows weird jokes and can get pizza delivered by drone. But what happens when Miss Porter turns out to be the opposite of fun? I can't tell you what happens because that would break the Royal Oath of Silence all illustrators must take before they do art for books. It is a heavy burden I carry.


On The Trail Again

Just added another page to my hiking trail sketchbook. Hieroglyphic Trail is an easy hike that enters a boulder-filled canyon. The Hohokam, who inhabited the area up to 1500 years ago, etched hundreds of petroglyphs onto the canyon walls and rocks. Lots of history there.