
But really, aren't we all winners?

Sometimes it's fun entering art contests. Here's a little piece I did for the fun of it. I found out today that it was chosen by Creative Quarterly as "Winner - Runner Up". Woo-hoo. Time to celebrate with some oreos and a cowboy movie.


Dinosaurs rule!

Here's a pretty fun book that hit the bookstores recently. It's filled with goofy but true facts about prehistoric creatures. I got a kick out of drawing dinosaurs of all kinds plus lots of extinct animals that I wish were still alive and in my backyard. All I am asking for is a couple of Woolly mammoths and maybe a dodo bird or two. I don't think the neighbors would mind. 



It's been a crazy busy spring and summer so it was nice to take a break and hit the beach for a few days. This is Charlie. It was his first visit to a beach and he gave it two paws up. His sisters, Tina and Celery, also approved.