
Today's Page From The Sketchbook
More sketchbook goofiness. Theme: Explore!
More sketchbook goofiness. Theme: Explore!
After a crazy, hectic summer it was time to recharge the batteries and take a break. The family and I chose to explore the coast of maine. It was just what we needed. Sketching near Rockport (above), shopping in Camden, walking the rocky beaches - it was all so perfect.
This funny book hit the bookstores today. My motto- "Every day is a good day to go door to door begging for candy" isn't catching on like I had hoped. But if you are in a Halloweeny kind of mood this summer you can get a head start and catch up with A.J. and his pals as they get themselves in hot water -- again!
Designed and Developed by Robert Brook Allen at A Boy and His Dog & Hop Creative.
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